Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Cross Country

Last month we had cross country. I came fifth place in my age grouup and second with girls . I  am 
looking a forwad  to  next  year. We ran  through the  reserve and on the school  grounds . I  was puffed.

By Jasmine

fruit kebabs

On Thursday, Room 4 made fruit kebabs .We got sticky fingers! I could hear knives chopping. I chopped a lemon. Lauren was walking around with the fruit bowl. Tama was walking round with the compost. Then  when the fruit was chopped Debs called up table at a time to make a fruit kebab. The orange table went first, then the green , then the brown and then the yellow. A few minutes later she called us for seconds ,then thirds ,then fourths. We were allowed to get a bowl of fruit salad for lunch because  there was left over fruit. The fruit kebabs and the fruit were yum! "Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum I want more!" I said.

By Tasmin.

culture club at te awhina marae

It was the first day of culture club (well to me). We all had a cookie and an apple. The big kids got to do carving and me and the other kids used the te rako. We practiced on one movement. Then when it was 5 o'clock we all went home. 

By Tama

Hot Chocolate Yay!

                                                   YAY!!  YAY!!
Two weeks ago Room 4 made hot chocolate in the afternoon .  We had to fill the jugs with water.
Then we  boiled the water and poured the water in to a cup .   Debs came around with  the milk and  the  cocoa  powder .  We had to mix the milk, hot water and cocoa powder together until the powder had disintegrated, then Debs said that we could drink it . At the start we wrote a recipe on hot chocolate.  It got quite fun at the end.

By Samantha

Monday, 17 June 2013

Bread and Soup!

                                                     Y U M !  Y U M !
When Room 4 were chopping up the veggies our eyes were stinging!
Lili chopped herself  but she said it didn't hurt so that  was good.
We were going to make a loaf of bread, but then we ended up making buns.
All of us in Room 4 got to design a bread bun!

                                                      Bread Recipe

8 cups of flour,
3 cups of warm water,
3 teaspoons of dry yeast,
2 table spoons of olive oil.

On Friday in Room 4 at Ngatimoti School 19 little mouths went slurp and crunch on bread and soup.
It was good to see people were going back for seconds of soup ,including some of us were going back for thirds.
Yum...yum...yum! The soup and bread was delicious!

By Tui Gavalas