This week's sound is 'ee'.
Click on this link for a catchy song and story.
Enjoy finding out all the fun learning we do at school and around our community.
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Friday, 11 October 2013
Hi Room 4,
I would like you to meet a very special friend of mine called Moss. Can you guess why I want to introduce you? That's right, it's almost Pet's Day!
I am really looking forward to coming back to school because we are going to learn all about pets and how to care for them. If you have some photos of your adorable pet, perhaps you would like to bring them to school to add to Our Pet Wall. I can wait to meet all of your fury friends. Or perhaps your friend has scales?
See you soon from,
After we ate our morning tea and spotted eels from the jetty we headed into the forest accompanied by our DOC guide, Pita. Pita told us about the work she and her team do around the lake controlling pests such as rats, stokes, feral cats and wasps.
Walking along the Honey Dew Track it was obvious why the wasps find it such an appealing place to live. The Beech trees were dripping with honey dew and as I tried to stop the kids from licking the whole tree clean of the sweet sticky bug poo it dawned on me that I had introduced a new pest to the area....Room 4 and 5!
(and Ngatimoti School children) stripping the trees of this rich food source it doesn't leave much left for the birds to survive on.
The track continued weaving it's way through the forest. A few compulsory quiet moments along the way allowed us to hear some of the bird song from Tui, Bellbirds and Silver Eye. A bright purple mushroom was spotted and captured by our group's photographer James England. The sharp eyed children of our group caught a glimpse of a Kaka, one of our native parrots tearing bark from off the trees and flashing us with the bright red feathers from the underside of it's wing.
Tired and satisfied we reach the lake were we devoured our sandwiches before being whisked back to school so we could begin our holidays.
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Cross Country
Last month we had cross country. I came fifth place in my age grouup and second with girls . I am
looking a forwad to next year. We ran through the reserve and on the school grounds . I was puffed.
By Jasmine
By Jasmine
fruit kebabs
On Thursday, Room 4 made fruit kebabs .We got sticky fingers! I could hear knives chopping. I chopped a lemon. Lauren was walking around with the fruit bowl. Tama was walking round with the compost. Then when the fruit was chopped Debs called up table at a time to make a fruit kebab. The orange table went first, then the green , then the brown and then the yellow. A few minutes later she called us for seconds ,then thirds ,then fourths. We were allowed to get a bowl of fruit salad for lunch because there was left over fruit. The fruit kebabs and the fruit were yum! "Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum I want more!" I said.
By Tasmin.
By Tasmin.
culture club at te awhina marae
It was the first day of culture club (well to me). We all had a cookie and an apple. The big kids got to do carving and me and the other kids used the te rako. We practiced on one movement. Then when it was 5 o'clock we all went home.
By Tama
By Tama
Hot Chocolate Yay!
Two weeks ago Room 4 made hot chocolate in the afternoon . We had to fill the jugs with water.
Then we boiled the water and poured the water in to a cup . Debs came around with the milk and the cocoa powder . We had to mix the milk, hot water and cocoa powder together until the powder had disintegrated, then Debs said that we could drink it . At the start we wrote a recipe on hot chocolate. It got quite fun at the end.
By Samantha
By Samantha
Monday, 17 June 2013
Bread and Soup!
Y U M ! Y U M !
When Room 4 were chopping up the veggies our eyes were stinging!
Lili chopped herself but she said it didn't hurt so that was good.
We were going to make a loaf of bread, but then we ended up making buns.
All of us in Room 4 got to design a bread bun!
Bread Recipe
8 cups of flour,
3 cups of warm water,
3 teaspoons of dry yeast,
2 table spoons of olive oil.
On Friday in Room 4 at Ngatimoti School 19 little mouths went slurp and crunch on bread and soup.
It was good to see people were going back for seconds of soup ,including some of us were going back for thirds.
Yum...yum...yum! The soup and bread was delicious!
By Tui Gavalas
When Room 4 were chopping up the veggies our eyes were stinging!
Lili chopped herself but she said it didn't hurt so that was good.
We were going to make a loaf of bread, but then we ended up making buns.
All of us in Room 4 got to design a bread bun!
Bread Recipe
8 cups of flour,
3 cups of warm water,
3 teaspoons of dry yeast,
2 table spoons of olive oil.
On Friday in Room 4 at Ngatimoti School 19 little mouths went slurp and crunch on bread and soup.
It was good to see people were going back for seconds of soup ,including some of us were going back for thirds.
Yum...yum...yum! The soup and bread was delicious!
By Tui Gavalas
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Raw Fish Anyone?
In Room 4 we have enjoyed trying a range of food from the Pacific Islands. This week we made a raw fish dish called Ota Ika with the help of our wonderful parent helper Marios. Some of us thought it was disgusting and some of us LOVED it and piled our plates high with a second helping. We talked about how it is good to try new things even if we think we might not like it....sometimes we get a pleasant surprise and discover a new favourite food....and sometimes we don't!
Here is the recipe so you can make it for your family at home.
OTA IKA (Raw Fish)
3 cups raw fish
3/4 cup lemon juice
2 teaspoons finely chopped onion
1/2 cup thick coconut cream
1 chopped chilli
1/2 clove finely chopped garlic
salt to taste
Tomato, capsicum, spring onions
- Chop the fish into small cubes.
- Mix in with all of the other ingredients except for the coconut cream.
- Marinade it in the fridge for 2 hours.
- Drain off the liquid and then add the coconut cream.
- Add chopped tomato, capsicum and spring onion.
- Eat and enjoy!
Eeeeew fish! Jasmine cuts the fish into small pieces.
"Can I eat it yet?" asks Zack.
Our master chefs hard at work!
Watch those fingers!
Tama samples the end product! What is the verdict Tama?
Jasmine tries to be brave!
"Yuck!" says Caleb.
Back for seconds!
Yum! Ota Ika.
Monday, 13 May 2013
Room 4's New Juggling Set
At the beginning of Term 1, Room 4 was given fifty dollars to spend on some equipment. After scrolling through sports catalogues it was decided that we would invest our money in some juggling equipment. The field next to Room 4 now resembles a circus during lunch and morning tea times!
The art of juggling is a balancing act really! Tui shows us how it is done.
Lili has spent hours persevering at the diablo
Lauren is a natural performer!
What is your favourite juggling toy and why?
Have you tried the juggling lesson? What happened?
Have you tried the juggling lesson? What happened?
Our Tongan Visitors
These Tongan men were amazing to listen to. Their harmonies were beautiful. They used guitars as their instruments. In one song, one of the men got up and performed a dance.
This lady is called Melapone. She taught us lots of different things about Tonga and answered all of our questions. She is the 'mother' of the group and makes sure everyone is happy and working hard at their jobs. The piece of art she is holding was a gift to the school. It is on display in the Indigo Room for everyone to look at.
Thursday, 2 May 2013
Term 2
I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday and are feeling excited to be back at school. I have been at a Science Conference these holidays and am excited to try out all of the new stuff I have learnt with Room 4!
This term is going to be jammed packed full of lots of exciting new learning. We are going to start off learning about our Pacific Neighbours,with Room 4 focussing on Samoa and Fiji.
After that we will be learning about Food and Nutrition and how to keep ourselves healthy. We will be doing lots of yummy cooking and eating, so if you are an expert in the kitchen or are feeling really brave, then we would love your help!
Towards the end of the term Ngatimoti School will be having a Science Fair, so make a note of it in your diary and come down to school and check it out!
Phewl, talk about busy!
Please keep checking in on our Blog and adding comments for us to read. We promise to keep to entertained with lots of stories and news about what we are doing at school.
Happy Blogging!
From Debs:)
This term is going to be jammed packed full of lots of exciting new learning. We are going to start off learning about our Pacific Neighbours,with Room 4 focussing on Samoa and Fiji.
After that we will be learning about Food and Nutrition and how to keep ourselves healthy. We will be doing lots of yummy cooking and eating, so if you are an expert in the kitchen or are feeling really brave, then we would love your help!
Towards the end of the term Ngatimoti School will be having a Science Fair, so make a note of it in your diary and come down to school and check it out!
Phewl, talk about busy!
Please keep checking in on our Blog and adding comments for us to read. We promise to keep to entertained with lots of stories and news about what we are doing at school.
Happy Blogging!
From Debs:)
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